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We can build a surfboard that is uniquely yours.
Contact us to find out more about a custom surfboard built to match your individual needs, specifications, and preferences.

We also provide ding repair (no job too small) and contract glassing services.

Board Building Time Lapse
Remember when you bought a board from your local surf shop and you would get a free t-shirt? We're bringing it back...
Order a custom Soule Surfboard, and you'll get a free Soule Surfboards t-shirt.
Enjoy the Ride!
Your New Surfboard
Your new surfboard needs to be looked after. Take care of it. Keep in mind that surfboards are not indestructible planks of steel. Handle it carefully to prevent dings/damage when carrying it and while moving it in & out of vehicles. Keep your board in a bag, especially during transport. Store your board in a cool place. This next tip should be obvious, but don’t try to push a hole or make a dent in your board. Boards are meant to have some flexibility to give you a better wave feel. Don’t purposely test its durability to the damage point. When you inevitably end up with a ding or two, get them fixed. Bottom line… treating your board well and keeping it as mint as possible will keep you stoked longer.
Deposit Policy
If you decide to not complete the purchase of a surfboard on which you’ve put down a deposit, then half of your deposit is refundable at the time that the board is sold to someone else.
Return Policy
All sales are final. When you take possession of your surfboard, it is 100% yours. At that point, it is also 100% your responsibility to care for it properly. Check it out thoroughly when you complete the final purchase, and protect it as you travel home.
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